Friday, February 5, 2010

Hanging Groups of Photos Easily

Nothing fills a wall with more personality that a grouping of family photos. However, many people find hanging the pictures challenging, especially when you are dealing with multiple sizes and frame types. Here is how to do it accurately and easily.

Supplies Needed:
Paper (I use freezer paper, like they wrap meat in, but any rolled paper will do, even some old and ugly wrapping paper, just use the white side)
Scotch tape
Nails (Invest in a box. They are cheap and a box will last you for years!)

Roll out the paper, lay a photo upside down on top. Trace around frame and cut out paper. Place your finger at the top of the paper where the middle of the photo hanger hits. Move the photo over until the edge of the frame aligns with your finger. Measure down to where the hanger is (or where the nail would need to go, however you want to think about it.) Draw a dot large enough to easily see on the paper. I also write a brief description of the photo so there is no confusion when it is time to hang. This also allows you to "theme" groups of pictures if you so choose.

After you have done this with all of the pictures it is time to go to the wall where you will be hanging them. Hang the paper in a pattern that you like with scotch tape. Using a small amount of tape makes them easy to move and adjust to get just the right layout. Once you have the papers in a pattern you like, hammer the nails right through the dot you made on the paper. Once all of your nails are in place, remove the papers one at a time and hang the pictures as you go.

When you are done you will have created a wonderful collage that will entertain your guests and beautify your home.

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